Nose inflammation treatment with natural herbal remedies:

Nose inflammation treatment with natural herbal remedies:

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is a helpful natural cure for nasal inflammation. This herb has been widely accepted for its revitalizing scent. Eucalyptol, the essential volatile oil if used helps in the triggering of nasal receptors which in turn leads to increase in mucus drainage.

Echinacea: Echinacea herb helps in the boosting of immune and should be consumed for about one month with suitable breaks. This herb is found both in the form of tea as well as in the form of a capsule. Daily intake of 6 cups of Echinacea tea helps to kill sinus infection as well as nasal inflammation.

Licorice: Licorice helps in the breaking up of mucus that is present in the nose as well as in the lungs thereby making it easier for the affected individual to breathe in easily. This can be done with the intake of licorice tea that is made up of the roots of licorice herb.

Lemon Balm: Lemon balm is extremely helpful for rhinitis and is helpful in fighting off bacteria and infections. Drinking of warm lemon balm tea twice a day helps in the effective cure of nasal infection and inflammation.

Peppermint: This herb is used for the relieving of inflammation of nose, congestion and cold that is caused as a result of the familiar cold, cough and allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint can also be made use of by steeping it in boiling waters and then breathing in the vapors. This procedure helps in easing of breathing as well as in reducing inflammation.

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