Nature_Remedies | Health Guide for Soccer Fans!!

KOREA - With Korea's first World Cup match due on Saturday, the government has released health guidelines for enthusiastic soccer fans.

The "HEALTHY" guidelines stands for Heart protection, Exercise, Aqua, Low-calorie diet, using public Transportation, Happy mind and stop Yelling, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Health officials said that feeling extreme excitement or tension affects the bloodstream and raises blood pressure. And the symptoms could lead to cardiac arrest.

Proper rest, relaxed body posture and taking slow, deep breaths during the game and at halftime can help in relieving such symptoms, they advised.

When people yell loudly, a cyst can occur in the vocal cords. Alcohol and smoking also cause dehydration. Health officials say that drinking water can be helpful to balance the humidity.

They advised not to shout for more than 30 minutes and to avoid noise and dust.

Because most of the matches will be broadcasted in the evening, soccer fans are recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables such as bananas and peanuts, rather than chicken and carbonated drinks, while watching the matches.

A high-calorie diet at night can put pressure on the digestive organs.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Health and Welfare plans to promote the health tips through the Internet and large screens that will be installed in cities nationwide.
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