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If I can ask a question "What is Health to you?" Many of you will give me different answers for example: excecise, balanced diet etc. There is no right and wrong answer, however, many do not realise the compete picture of a healthy lifestyle.
Researchers, scientists and doctors spent many years on their observation and investigation and found out that Lifestyle is the key to a Healthy Living. What is Lifestyle? Lifestyle is very general and has a broad meaning.
4 main categories is being identified to have an impact in our health. They are Sleep, Emotion, Exercise and Diet.
Why do you sleep? Is it because your wife asked you to sleep? is it because there is no TV programme, nothing to do at night and so you have to sleep?
Sleep is essential to our survival. There is a saying: if you don't know how to sleep, you don't know how to die.
Sleepy is a signal from your brain saying that you need to rest now, not because you are tired, because your body needs to carry some functions. What are the functions? Why is sleep so important?
The functions are listed below:
9pm to 11pm - Lymphatic Detoxification
11pm to 1am - Liver Detoxification
1am to 3am - Gallbladder Detoxification
3am to 5am - Lung Detoxification
5am to 7am - Big Intestine Detoxification
7am to 9am - Small Intestine Detoxification
midnight to 4am - Bone Marrow producing blood cell
As you can see, when you are sleeping, your body continues to work 24/7 to provide us with a system that is toxic free. Our body is just like a waste treatment plant, detoxification is the one main function that will keep us healthy.
If you are sleepy now, please sleep. Don't ignore the signal.
Do you know Stress kills? A few ways, people may be kill themselves or die suddenly without any sign.
A research shows that when a person angry, the body creates a toxic substance which is known as steriod. This Steroid is a natural toxic which will weaken the body's immune system.
A good example: Children who cry and throw temper often have running nose as their emotion is not stable. My son was of this type.
Our body is made up of muscle tissue and as you know muscle tissue are filled with blood. Even our body parts like liver, kidney etc are of muscle cell. In order for the blood to circulate better, cardiovascular exercise is a must as it promotes better blood circulation. Better blood circulation means better absorption and transportation of nutrient and oxygen.
Do you eat? Human eats to live and lives to eat.
WHO reported that 30% of cancer is due to Diet and is second to Tobacco.
Chronic diseases are due to improper, unbalanced and unhealthy diet. 80% of the chronic disease like high blood, diabetic can be prevented by proper, balanced and healthy diet.
The basic question is: are our foods good enough, healthy enough and safe enough to consume?
Take for example our everyday food, chicken. Do you know how long it takes to grow a chicken from egg to adulthood ready for slaughter? 6month to a year. Do you know how long it take for a chicken in Taiwan to grow to adulthood? 28~40days. How is it possible and why? It is possible because of the high growth hormone that is injected to the chicken to let them grow faster and the simple reason is business. If you are selling chicken, you cannot possible wait for 6month to a year as the feeding is going to be expensive and will be eating into your cost. Do you notice that the chicken cost is getting lower?
I can go on and on for other food source that is available on earth. It just that as long as we talk about food that is produced for commercial purposes, there is a possibility that the food source is not as good as what we think. However, GOD is fair. He also created cure for us and we just need to know where to find it.
Awareness + Experience + Willingness to change = Choices.